Most frequent questions and answers

Yes, chiropractic treatment has been proven to be remarkably safe, much safer than taking painkillers or many other treatments for you problem.

Chiropractic is a holistic, non-invasive approach to health. No surgery or drugs are involved. Chiropractic is the worlds third largest health care profession after medicine and dentistry and over the past 100 years millions of people have found help from chiropractic care, even after surgery. 

Your chiropractor will explain possible risks of treatment and discuss any concerns you may have prior to commencing with treatment.

No, chiropractic treatment is not painful, when performed by a qualified professional. If acute muscle spasm is present over the area to be treated, you may feel some short-term discomfort. If your problem has been untreated for a long time, you may experience some post-treatment soreness. This will soon pass as your body begins to adjust. Your chiropractor will be able to tell you if this is likely to happen and how to minimise any possible discomfort.
Your first visit to Better Backs Chiropractic starts with a consultation. Your chiropractor will spend time discussing your past medical history with you, including questions about accidents, illnesses and family medical history. This information, together with physical examination, will help to arrive at a correct diagnosis for you and your condition.  Initial consultation is followed by a thorough physical examination concentrating on the joints, nerves and muscles of your body. In most cases you will need to remove some outer clothing for the duration of physical examination (an examination gown will be provided for you to wear when appropriate). Sometimes it may also be necessary to examine other areas, such as lungs, heart and abdomen. Based on the findings the chiropractor will decide whether any additional investigations are necessary before treatment can begin. These are usually not needed, but may include X-rays, MRI and CT scans and urine or blood tests. In some cases it may also be necessary to contact your GP, with your permission.  Your chiropractor will then briefly explain your condition and in most cases you will receive your first treatment.

On your second visit you will be given a full report of findings. The chiropractor will explain everything to you in detail: what is the cause of your symptoms, what can be done about it, how long will it take, how much treatment is required and how much will it cost.
A treatment plan will be tailored to suit your specific needs. In some cases dietary and lifestyle changes may be discussed and in most cases simple home exercises will be prescribed in order to maximise your healing potential. You will also be advised on how to best avoid future problems, aid your recovery and enjoy better health for life

This will depend on the individual problem, how long you’ve had it, how bad it is and how many areas and tissues are affected. Whilst every patient reacts differently, your chiropractor will be able to advise you on your likely recovery time. In most cases you will feel a definite change for the better early on with your treatment. Most patients do express feeling ‘better’ or ‘lighter’ after just one or two treatments. In general, the longer you’ve had it, the longer it will take to get it sorted.  Your commitment to the recommended treatment, home exercises and any dietary or lifestyle adjustments will also determine your treatment outcome and your long term benefits from chiropractic care.
Not all patients are routinely X-rayed and most patient will not need X-rays prior to treatment. However, in some cases x-rays are necessary and your treatment may need to be modified accordingly. Such circumstances may include recent trauma, history of serious illness or unusual findings on physical examination.  Chiropractors are trained and qualified to take and to analyse x-rays. If you have had x-rays or other imaging recently, your chiropractor may ask for your written consent to access that information.
The number of treatments you require depends on several factors: your specific health problem, how long you’ve had it, how severe it is, how many areas and tissues are affected and other examination findings. Your individual treatment needs will be determined during your initial consultation. Many patients opt for maintenance care once they feel better. Again, the frequency of your maintenance visits will depend on several factors, but most patients come back once a month to once every few months. However long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you.
Today’s lifestyle calls for an “instant fix” for every health problem. Too often we say we have no time to be ill or that we can’t let an ache stop us. It’s time to put your priorities right! Painkillers may help you feel less pain, but they do not address the underlying cause of the pain. If they did, they would probably be called “problemsolvers” rather than “painkillers”. In fact, excessive use of painkillers for common ailments, such as headaches, can actually make your headaches worse. Painkillers may also have serious side effects. Chiropractic is a much safer way of managing your pain and overall health! Chiropractic care is aimed at resolving the underlying cause of the pain and then keeping you in better health.
Chiropractic treatment is covered by most health insurance companies, hospital funds, Medicash, Simplyhealth and other personal health plans. Policies between different companies and organisations do vary, so always check with your insurer before commencing with your treatment.

Your first appointment is for an Initial Consultation and will take up to one hour. This will involve going through your past medical history, followed by a physical examination of the involved areas, together with a postural analysis and orthopaedic and neurological tests appropriate for your case. In most cases you will also be given a treatment on your first visit. The cost of this is  £50.

Your second visit is your Report of Findings, detailing the results of your examination and explaining in more detail what is involved in getting you better. The report is free for you to keep. You will also receive a treatment on this visit. The total cost of your second appointment – as well as any follow-up treatment visits – is £40.

Chiropractic treatment is suitable and safe throughout the pregnancy, during labour and after giving birth. The treatment will be modified according to the different stages of pregnancy and it can help with common problems associated with pregnancy such as pain in the back, pelvis and rib cage
During chiropractic treatment you may experience clicking or popping sound coming from the joints. In the lower back, you may not be able to hear them, but you may still be able to feel them. If you are having your neck treated, the clicking may sound much louder, simply because the area being treated is closer to the ears and the sound travels along the bones. The sound itself is insignificant. It is caused by the interaction of fluid and gas within the joint space and is not dissimilar to the sound of clicking ones knuckles.
Absolutely. You will be given stretches and exercises to help you get the most out of your chiropractic care. Sometimes it is also appropriate to discuss work ergonomics, mattresses & pillows, etc. The exercises are super easy and quick to do and you can do them anywhere. Just remember to do them when you are feeling better, too, so that you carry on feeling good.